Schliesssystem/Technische Dokumentation

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{Laptop,Handy,Tablet} <-> WRT <-> ethernet GPIO device <-> {Keymatic <-> Schloss, Sprechanlage <-> Aussentuer, ERT}


Command Interface[Bearbeiten]

The DING listens on *:2701/tcp for incoming connections. The protocol is ECMD with doorctl extensions.

mode set[Bearbeiten]

doorctl mode set <mode>

sets the mode #Mode. Once you issued this command, you will have to wait a short amount of time before doorctl mode set and doorctl inner door open are enabled again.

mode get[Bearbeiten]

doorctl mode get

returns the currently selected #Mode.

inner door open[Bearbeiten]

doorctl inner door open. 

retracts the safety catch of the inner door. Once you issued this command, you will have to wait a short amount of time before doorctl mode set and doorctl inner door open are enabled again.

? inner door open[Bearbeiten]

doorctl ? inner door open

checks if the inner door is currently opened. This does not mean, that the safety catch is retracted but that the door is really standing open.

outer door open[Bearbeiten]

doorctl outer door open

opens the outer door.


The DING has a mode register for the inner door that is always set to one of the following values:

Mode Default LED value Comment ERT effect
locked X *-R-R-- door is locked nothing if door is closed, switch to unlocked if door is opened
unlocked *O----- door is unlocked nothing if door is closed, switch to unlocked+ert if door is opened
unlocked+ert *----GG door is unlocked retract safety catch if door is closed, switch to primed mode if door is opened
primed *ORRRGG door will be locked a few seconds after it has been closed nothing
any ***R*** keymatic is currently performing an action nothing

Led colors: R: Red, O: Orange, G: Green, *: Any color, italic: blinking

To modify modes use the #mode set or #mode get commands. Also, you can cycle through modes using the pushbutton on the DING.


  • relais 1: keymatic.lock
  • relais 2: keymatic.unlock
  • relais 3:
  • relais 4: do not connect this relay!
  • relais ?: siedle.ring
  • relais 5:

Connector pinout[Bearbeiten]

These are the pinouts of the two flat cables coming from entryphone and keymatic.

Siedle entryphone[Bearbeiten]

  • Pin 1: door opener connector a
  • Pin 2: door opener connector b
  • Pin 3: ERT connector a
  • Pin 4: ERT connector b
  • Pin 5: Siedle ERT input a
  • Pin 6: Siedle ERT input b
  • Pin 7-10: not used


  • Pin 1: Pushbutton lock/unlock (?)
  • Pin 2: Pushbutton common
  • Pin 3: Pushbutton lock/unlock (?)
  • Pin 4: RI common
  • Pin 5: RI dooropener
  • Pin 6: RI lock/unlock (?)
  • Pin 7: RI lock/unlock (?)
  • Pin 8: unused
  • Pin 9: RI power supply +
  • Pin 10: RI power supply -


Das Dingservoding ist ein Servoding für's Ding, damit bei Dingding das Ding Srrrrrrrrrrrr machen kann - ohne Eingriff ins Sprechanlagensystem (macht dafür Eindruck). Doku siehe Bild, Code/Details ask sdx23.

		translate([110,0,0]) cube([30,50,5]);
		translate([110,30,0]) cube([22,10,15]);
		translate([132,10,0]) cube([8,30,35]);	
	translate([5,5,0]) cylinder(5,r=2);
	translate([5,50-5,0]) cylinder(5,r=2);
	translate([140-5,5,0]) cylinder(5,r=2);
	translate([140-5,50-5,0]) cylinder(5,r=2);
	translate([110,40,0]) cube([22,10,5]);
	translate([15,10,0]) cube([90,30,5]);
	translate([110+22-5.4,50,10]) rotate([90,0,0]) cylinder(100,r=0.7); 
	translate([110+22-5.4-10,50,10]) rotate([90,0,0]) cylinder(100,r=0.7); 


  • Gemeinsame Stromversorgung
    • Fritzbox (12 V/ 100 mA)
    • brickme (12 V / 2.5 A)
    • Keymatic (12 V / 100 mA)
    • DING (5V / 500 mA)
    • Telefon (6 V / 300 mA)
    • Motorola-Box (5 V / 3 A)
    • Spacemaster 6000 (5 V / 400 mA)



Unsere Keymatic ... Sehr grausame Geräusche... hat sie gemacht. Das Lager für das größte Zahnrad war einseitig ausgebrochen.